Sunday, 29 January 2017

Dear SM,

All things will be fixed
All things will be healed
All things will be fine
Step by step
I'll be here for you, always.

your sweetpie ^^

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Syt period. Its stop bleeding already but the pain still torturing my stomach

Have you ever mention my name in your socmed?
Have you ever praise me infront of other?
Am i worth it?
Pacar itu harusnya bikin cewenya confident bukan malah jadi minder depan orang lain.
Then after this you still telling me im jealous with no reason???

Thankyou so much for keeping me this way

Disebut mulu tu nama
Iya tau cuma ngefans
But is it too hard to protect your girl's heart???

Sunday, 8 January 2017

Never imagine early year would be as tough as this.

Thank you for amazing 9 years Tiberias Choir

Fight w/ boyfriend at night
Fight w/ mom in the morning
End up stop being choir

What else?
What a day!

Till i dont even know what my heart feels right now.