Tuesday 19 September 2017

Devil wont stop ruining my mind.
But i wont stop fighting for this.
Till the end of my life i will never stop.
Even when it hurt. Hurt till i can breathe.
Still i say i can!
This too shall pass, Dian!

Sunday 17 September 2017

Watch out!
Iblis selalu cari cara untuk menunda niat pertobatanmu.
Sedetik saat kamu mulai berkomitmen, iblis ga akan tinggal diam.
Jangan jatuh BERULANG-ULANG ke lubang yang sama!

Wednesday 13 September 2017

Friday 8 September 2017

Seneng sih tp bingung :(

Ya Tuhan hari senin nanti mesti gimanaaa

Wednesday 6 September 2017

Kadang untuk menjadi sepasang kekasih,
Perasaan sayang saja ternyata tidak cukup.

saat ini Rabu 6 September 2017.
jam 2.15pm
semacam sekarat.
badan rontok sekali :(
setelah diflashback kebelakang,
oiya gue kurang istirahat.

Kamis 31.08.17
suubuhnya insom, trs kerja, trs malemnya ketemu MamiRida dan Lenty ampe jam10an.

Jumat 01.09.17
subuh makeup job, siang sampe malem jalan sama celeb ke PIM-PIK-GADING

Sabtu 02.09.17
pagi makeup job sampe sore di Bekasi, langsung ke Sency, trs ke Radal ampe malem lagi 

Minggu 03.09.17
jam10 pagi di RS, then jam2 makeup (semacam enek ama makeup 3hari berturut2 wkwk) jam6 udh di RS lagi sampe jam9 then insom tdrnya subuh :")

Senin 04.09.17
jam6 jalan ke RS, then kekantor trs ke RS lagi sampe rumah jam10

Selasa 05.09.17
pulang kantor ke RS ampe rumah jam stgh10

wakk produktif yaaa.
sekarang waktunya hibernasi ^^
yang penting ku bahagia :")

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Even the closest friend i cant truly trust
People these day such a confusing
I dont know which one is truly sincere
They all look the same
Laugh with them doesnt mean i can cry with them

I wish i had a place in person where i can freely share everything without a shame.
This brain such an overload till i want to throw it up but i found no place.

It hurt.

If only i can.

i just got TOO FAR from You :(

and i NEED to go BACK as soon as i can.

will You forgive me? :(

Monday 4 September 2017

Sunday 3 September 2017

Berpisah denganmu menyakitkan.
Namu berpisah saat kamu sakit ternyata lebih menyakitkan.