Wednesday, 30 May 2018

Having dinner with him.
Seeing he lead the pray without im asking.
Hearing his kind of sad story, then encourage him.
Then someone call him to go back.
Then we split.
Then he chat me asking where i am.
Then we meet again.
Then he sick.
Then he go home first.
He used to sleep early but he wait for me
And checking me home.

I miss him.

Friday, 25 May 2018

Yah kok malah hopeless.
Yaudah iya terserah Tuhan aja :")

Anw, kangen weh!


Thursday, 24 May 2018

Some words are better left unsaid.
Demi kebaikan bareng bareng aja ya kakak.
You dont need to know about me and him in detail.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Ini mah fix gue jatuh cinta x.x

And he text me saying im sorry when he cant acompany me while he's in the middle of his served.

And im okay im not mad
Im happy cause i start to to enter his list of priority.

Sunday, 20 May 2018

Nah, i fall for you now.
After a few time i fixed my heart,
Yes, i fall for you.

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

How i mention your name alot in my pray
How i adore a heart of yours
How i wanna be a tough as you, as pure as you, as kind as you.
Why people being so blind because they cant see what you have inside your heart?
You are one of a kind, Daniel Fedrie.

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Cause this is how he protect me ♡

This man is so special. God, wish i fall for the right one. He is one of a kind! Seriously.

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Hi 4 years crush! ^^
(It start around early 2014 if im not wrong hihi)

I dont love you yet, but yes im about to start to addicted to your bass voice, your perfume, your kaku jokes, your preach, your nervous and kikuk face, your humbleness, your kind heart, your deep talk..

you! :P

Ah, your another cute side is,
You sometimes say "aku" but you often say your own name.
Cause theres no more before you, who prefer say his own name rather than "aku" to me.

Monday, 7 May 2018

Im happy when i was with you.

But happiest is when im not feel any crush or love or else when im with you or even talk to you :D

Thought i cant move from you yet im happy that i did.

Doesnt mean i hate you or something like that.
I just like, congrats my self cause before i feel like im at the lowest point of my life. Nowhere to go. But now, im up! Im free ^^

I mean it. Thankyou!
Whatever happen, youre still take a lot of  the best part in my life. I enjoy every part when im with you. The laugh the tears. Everything!

Thankyou Sammy Maramis!

Oh ternyata gini rasanya bener bener udah move on?? 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

You make a space with all those who know your secret
You just feeling judge
You are afraid
Thats why you arent feel comfort

But unfortunately, you are wrong. At all.