and i like it with no conscious. talking to you occasionally and i start to curious about you.
time flies, we're finally close. you know anything about me, what i like, what i dont like, anything. me either, knowing you that much. our friendship is growing so fun. we have a lot of similarities. everytime my heart broke (mostly because my fail relationship), you start to comfort me with your magic word. you even tell me about your real feeling for some girl. not often for us to hangout together, watching movie, culinary trip, sleepover, attend a concert, and more. and i know, its all fun to spend everything with you. till one day we start to call each other, best friend.
few years passes, i start to feel weird. i secretly miss you when youre not here with me. my heart beat fast when your name appear on my cellphone. i like to call you more often just to know how are you doin. saying goodbye feel so hard after we're going somewhere. i start to think about you all day. i feel like jealous when i see you with other girl. and i realize... omg its love! no, no wayyy. my heart screaming. but then i cant do anything. i know this is wrong. beside this feeling growing stronger, all i can do is hating my self. sometimes hating you for no reason. few times trying to create a space between us, but still.. failed.
and it comes the day you accompany me to an annual christmas celebration meeting, and after you take me home, you said a words that burn my sleepy. yes im crying, but it because im happy. knowing you are mine, its a thing that i've never imagine. though i know, this is not happy ending yet, we should fight for other thing, at least im not alone anymore. i have someone who stand with me and keeping each other stronger.
throwing back like this then realized how funny our story is. well, im not a type of a girl who dating best friend. i fall in love easily. once i saw a man that touching my heart, i can fall for him in a minute. thats the reason at first i think i cant fall for you since many times we met and i never felt like something happen with my heart.
well, i guess this is God's plan to make this kind of our love story. i Thank God for everything happen in my life. Guide us Dad. remind me his name in my heart, remind him my name in his heart. i trust You will never bring us this far to leave us in the end.

Genesis 31 : 49
"May the Lord keep watch between you and me when we are away from each other"