winter's back !!!
christmas is come !!!
and im still here :))
Tuesday, 25 December 2012
The world is a lonely castle
Mutually seeking
On that day the bugle horns that announce love
Saw your smile
I am here and you on the opposite shore, searching
Days and nights flow away from us
In this sea of people I stretch out my hand to you
The courage that makes me want me catch hold of destiny
Love is a rugged road and I finally can hug you
*Meeting your string of destiny, that split second where I experienced real love
The strings of destiny of two people, two roads leading to the same end point
other sights leave no memories
You are my most beautiful April day
Every fragment of memories
Made into the bookmarks of love
Meeting your string of fate, heaven means being right by your side
The strings of fate of two people; Happiness is held in the spaces between interlocked fingers
Through eyecontact there is no need for words
There is only a need to look towards the other to hear
A soundless harmony
Performing forever and never changing
Every day that I love you
The merry go round sings a minor D
Tow good are fairytales
We do not need the green birds of happiness
We just need to lean on each other
I am here and you on the opposite shore, searching
Days and nights flow away from us
In this sea of people I stretch out my hand to you
The courage that makes me want me catch hold of destiny
Love is a rugged road and I finally can hug you
*Meeting your string of destiny, that split second where I experienced real love
The strings of destiny of two people, two roads leading to the same end point
other sights leave no memories
You are my most beautiful April day
Every fragment of memories
Made into the bookmarks of love
Meeting your string of fate, heaven means being right by your side
The strings of fate of two people; Happiness is held in the spaces between interlocked fingers
Through eyecontact there is no need for words
There is only a need to look towards the other to hear
A soundless harmony
Performing forever and never changing
Every day that I love you
Every page, there is love’s bookmark (in every page there is love’s bookmark)
Every line, forever unchanging (oh~ forever unchanging)
* Meeting your string of destiny, that split second where I experienced real love
The strings of destiny of two people, two roads leading to the same end point
Through eyecontact there is no need for words
There is only a need to look towards the other to hear
A soundless harmony
Performing forever and never changing
Every day that I love you
Mutually seeking
On that day the bugle horns that announce love
Saw your smile
I am here and you on the opposite shore, searching
Days and nights flow away from us
In this sea of people I stretch out my hand to you
The courage that makes me want me catch hold of destiny
Love is a rugged road and I finally can hug you
*Meeting your string of destiny, that split second where I experienced real love
The strings of destiny of two people, two roads leading to the same end point
other sights leave no memories
You are my most beautiful April day
Every fragment of memories
Made into the bookmarks of love
Meeting your string of fate, heaven means being right by your side
The strings of fate of two people; Happiness is held in the spaces between interlocked fingers
Through eyecontact there is no need for words
There is only a need to look towards the other to hear
A soundless harmony
Performing forever and never changing
Every day that I love you
The merry go round sings a minor D
Tow good are fairytales
We do not need the green birds of happiness
We just need to lean on each other
I am here and you on the opposite shore, searching
Days and nights flow away from us
In this sea of people I stretch out my hand to you
The courage that makes me want me catch hold of destiny
Love is a rugged road and I finally can hug you
*Meeting your string of destiny, that split second where I experienced real love
The strings of destiny of two people, two roads leading to the same end point
other sights leave no memories
You are my most beautiful April day
Every fragment of memories
Made into the bookmarks of love
Meeting your string of fate, heaven means being right by your side
The strings of fate of two people; Happiness is held in the spaces between interlocked fingers
Through eyecontact there is no need for words
There is only a need to look towards the other to hear
A soundless harmony
Performing forever and never changing
Every day that I love you
Every page, there is love’s bookmark (in every page there is love’s bookmark)
Every line, forever unchanging (oh~ forever unchanging)
* Meeting your string of destiny, that split second where I experienced real love
The strings of destiny of two people, two roads leading to the same end point
Through eyecontact there is no need for words
There is only a need to look towards the other to hear
A soundless harmony
Performing forever and never changing
Every day that I love you
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
tiba tiba pengen iseng ngeshare foto perubahan perubahan SUPER JUNIOR dari awal debut tahun 2005 sampe foto terbaru dari album spy^^
this is their first album. hahahaha.... their hair style is completely made me laugh.. donghae !!! xD awalnya mereka hanya dijadikan projek 3 bulan namun kesuksesannya membuktikan bahwa mereka bisa terus berkarya bahkan sampai detik ini (*.*)
album kedua ini mau ngikutin pasaran jepang jadi mereka dandan ala ala harajuku. pertanyaannya: berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mengerjakan tatanan rambut dalam satu kepala? hihihihi
third album !!! dari album ini lah dunia mulai mengenal super junior x) single mereka Sorry Sorry bahkan masuk top chart di amerikaa. super junior daebakkkk !!!
this is the third album repackage :)) new single, new concept.. tema lagunya sedih, thats the reason why their expression look calm and blue :") dan ini adalah MV terakhir super junior dengan member lengkap 13 orang :"( setelahnya Hangeng memutuskan kontraknya dengan SM Ent dan kembali berkarir di negara asalnya China :( Kangin mempercepat wajib militernya dikarenakan kasus kecelakaan yang menimpanya :((( sedangkan Kibum yang ditarik SM Ent ke dunia film dan entah kapan dia kembali ke Super Junior
BONAMANA !!! 4th album... i love heechul's style !!!! handsome and a bit playboy hahahaha.. terlihat agak sepi dengan member yang hanya ber10 :(
Bonamana repackage album, No Other :) Konsep MV mereka agak beda dari sebelumnya. kalo sebelumnya lokasinya selalu indoor, di MV ini mereka ngambil lokasi outdoor dan diberikan alur cerita.. INTERESTING :)
5th ALBUM !!!! Mr.Simple dikenal orang orang dengan tarian mereka yang khas dan unik. liat deh tangan mereka lagi ngapainn hihihi x)))
ACHA, 5th Album repackage yang juga MV terakhir Heechul sebelum dia wajib militer pada pertengahan tahun 2011 :(

OPERA. Single hit mereka yang di populerin di Jepang, adalah MV yang paling sepi karena hanya ada 9 member yang terlibat. tapi ini adalah salah satu MV terfavorit gue. Kostum, lokasi, properti, dan efek kamera di MV mereka yang ini keren banget :DD
6jib SEXY FREE AND SINGLE album terbaru mereka.. One of great super junior's MV. great costume. great dance coreography, great music beat, great lyrics. Its all GREAT!!! two thumbs upppp! eehh, did you realized somethin good in this MV ?? yeaa, KANGIN'S BACK !! setelah vakum 2 tahun, akhirnya dia balik lagi di mv ini :) whatta gud nesw ;))
6jib repackage!! SPY. musik James Bond yang diaransemen ulang, jadinya keren banget !!!! yang paling gue suka itu model rambutnya shindong, klasik tapi modern, warna rambutnya biru ijo kerenn syekaliiii~
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Monday, 19 November 2012
gini nih kejelekan gue
sering banget nyakitin orang orang
kalo lagi asik sama satu hal, biasanya akan gue tekunin terus
dan lupa sama yang lainnya
trs gue dibilang sombong dan lupa temen
yang dulu dulu udah di maafin
tapi sekarang gini lagi
sekarang kayanya udah ngga punya muka buat minta maaf
mesti gimanaaaa ????
sering banget nyakitin orang orang
kalo lagi asik sama satu hal, biasanya akan gue tekunin terus
dan lupa sama yang lainnya
trs gue dibilang sombong dan lupa temen
yang dulu dulu udah di maafin
tapi sekarang gini lagi
sekarang kayanya udah ngga punya muka buat minta maaf
mesti gimanaaaa ????
Thursday, 8 November 2012
sometimes.. i wonder..
what my life could be in the future ?
what is my job ? what kind of job ? where is the work place ? what will i do everyday ? will i busy with many job ? still i have a time for my friends, family, and boyfriend ? how much the fee is ? what will i do with that money ?
who's my future husband ? is he kind ? is she handsome ? where is he come from ? where he live ? what is his job ? is he smarter than me ? what is his eyes color ? what is his habit ? what is his favorite ? what kind of person he is ?
im sure that time will answer all of my questions :)
what my life could be in the future ?
what is my job ? what kind of job ? where is the work place ? what will i do everyday ? will i busy with many job ? still i have a time for my friends, family, and boyfriend ? how much the fee is ? what will i do with that money ?
who's my future husband ? is he kind ? is she handsome ? where is he come from ? where he live ? what is his job ? is he smarter than me ? what is his eyes color ? what is his habit ? what is his favorite ? what kind of person he is ?
im sure that time will answer all of my questions :)
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
hello blog !!!
long time no see yaaa
aaaah i cant find a right word to show you what i feel now..
i feel so blessed !!!
my thesis program is getting better and also my thesis defense is getting closer
maybe in less than a month
maybe more..
i dont know..
but im so excited x)
actually many small things has giving me a lot of happiness
its so unimportant,,,
for example.. hmm i found my fav song when i was a kid such as Ja rule, Jennifer Lopez, and many cartoon movie soundtrack that love ^^
it makes me feel happy everytime i hear it.
ahh and... i just finish my work for a couple weeks, and now.. i had an interview this thursday
omg im so happy ^^
and i just wanna tell you guys that Jesus is AWESOME !!!
He has done many many good things in my life
im so blessed to have a God like JESUS
long time no see yaaa
aaaah i cant find a right word to show you what i feel now..
i feel so blessed !!!
my thesis program is getting better and also my thesis defense is getting closer
maybe in less than a month
maybe more..
i dont know..
but im so excited x)
actually many small things has giving me a lot of happiness
its so unimportant,,,
for example.. hmm i found my fav song when i was a kid such as Ja rule, Jennifer Lopez, and many cartoon movie soundtrack that love ^^
it makes me feel happy everytime i hear it.
ahh and... i just finish my work for a couple weeks, and now.. i had an interview this thursday
omg im so happy ^^
and i just wanna tell you guys that Jesus is AWESOME !!!
He has done many many good things in my life
im so blessed to have a God like JESUS
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
my world
my world ? if i should explain about my world....
my world has many taste
30% of music
10 % of friends
5% of family
20% of loneliness
and 35% i cant explain..
many things i know that things will make me happy
but sometimes.. im just too lazy to do it..
my happiness is in front of me
standing smile and inviting me to reach it..
but there is something just keeping me quite stuck..
random thing i dont really like
it always completely ruin my mood to make it..
until my world has no progress..
still in here until.. i dont know when..
Thursday, 24 May 2012
hmm.. i wanna share something..
but firstly, i wanna ask you something..
have you ever crazily fall in love with someone, i mean as a fans.
and your idol has completely changed you.. have you ever feel that ?
thats what i feel now.. i become a fan but as same as i fallin in love with someone
i'm thinking about him every nite
i checked his timeline on twitter in every minute
i miss him when theres no update from him
i'm searching his news everyday
i saw his picture on my phone
even his picture is everywhere..
my desk, my wall, my wallet, my wallpaper, my display picture, my laptop
and my phone is full of his picture and video
he can easily change my mood
i really want to protect him but i cant
he live in someplace far away from me
thats make me a lil bit sad
because its really good if we live at the same country
well what can i do then ?
just pray for him and ask God to protect him always.
hahaha. freak huh ?
this is too much i guess. but i dont know.
it happen.
hello^^ im back !
honestly i dont know what to say
i have nothing to say
well, for some reasons i pretend to be more quite than usual
world isnt interesting anymore.. for me..
but no, i dont have any serious problem.. i just feel bored..
dont worry..
i will find something new, but i still dont know what..
i just.. believe.. waiting.. and dreaming..
something new will come and change my world then :)
Monday, 14 May 2012
Stop talking
I hate myself for knowing everything
Before you even opened your mouth
I hate myself for knowing everything
Before you even opened your mouth
I wanted to lie and run away but
Your two eyes are telling me goodbye
Your two eyes are telling me goodbye
I finally set my heart to leave
And it came to me like a harsh storm
It might be a fate that will wash away like the rain
Because it was more painful than a fate shattered like glass
At the end of this walk, I let you know but you wouldn’t know
And it came to me like a harsh storm
It might be a fate that will wash away like the rain
Because it was more painful than a fate shattered like glass
At the end of this walk, I let you know but you wouldn’t know
Stop crying
I hate myself for knowing everything
Before I get wet with your tears
I hate myself for knowing everything
Before I get wet with your tears
I tried to lie and avoid it but
Your two eyes are telling me goodbye
Your two eyes are telling me goodbye
I finally set my heart to leave
And it came to me like a harsh storm
It might be a fate that will wash away like the rain
And it came to me like a harsh storm
It might be a fate that will wash away like the rain
Don’t try too hard to get far away
My body has already broken into pieces just like you wanted
I can’t go a step closer to you
My body has already broken into pieces just like you wanted
I can’t go a step closer to you
I was sick with a love fever
The meaning of these tears trickling to my dried lips- you’ll never know
The meaning of these tears trickling to my dried lips- you’ll never know
-super junior
Monday, 7 May 2012
Sunday, 29 April 2012
i think you guys already know about what am i gonna share in this post. hahaha.. yes, of course about SUPER SHOW day 3 by SUPER JUNIOR last nite. can i just say, last nite was a SUPER GREAT SHOW ever ?? can i just say, SUPER JUNIOR IS TOTALLY AWESOME ?? what a great place, fireworks, lighting, video screen, and stage. but in this picture, the stage look a bit messy, many dolls and toys inside the stage.. thats ELF's.. hihihi
i guarantee, last nite ELF's was satisfied by super junior.. their show is just.. aahh what can i say ?? ... hmm COOL !!! the show start from 1.30pm until 5.30pm. but i already arrived at stadion since 6.30am. before, during, and after the show , i should stand for more than 8hours. but, i never feel tired.. i cant stop smiling just because that unforgettable memory. after standing for about 3hours, finally the show is beginning.. ELF's cant stop screaming while watching great opening with SUPERMAN
kyuhyun singing solo while playing piano, the melody sounds peace.. but suddenly there's a video in the middle of the song, then the song is stop.. the video is kyuhyun with different hair style.. looks older.. he said : "ya! cho kyu hyun !! im tired hearin' you singing ballad song, change your song and show your another tallent !!"
this is the picture when kyuhyun leave his piano and change the genre of his song.. hahahaha silly..
another great part is when they singing bonamana, they change a few of choreography.. and make it part really cool !! im speechless while watching that part, i cant even speak one word
many funny things that happen during the show.. when they singing without no choreography, they must be doing any silly things that make ELF's screaming, my favourite part is.. hmm many things.. kyuhyun waving while singing his part,
sungmin did heart sign with eunhyuk while kyuhyun did heart sign with siwon,
eunhyuk kneel down donghae touched him,
sungmin pretend slap siwon, then siwon hug him
they singing our love, they hugging each other when the song is end
when the members bow and waving to ELF's, Donghae gives thumbs up to ELFs
kyuhyun staring at ELF's eyes one by one while smiling.. he did it.. he looks soooo humble..
ryeowook pushed yesung and kicked yesung's butt hahaha -___-'
shindong fell then dance with siwon while siwon bite a flower. omoooooooo !!!!!!!
they playing with wet things, siwon change his shirt on the stage infront of more than 10.000 ELFs.. what the____ ???
Elf asked yesung to be water splashed then Hae hugs him. He pretend got headache. All will got water splashed
Siwon choose Hyukjae, Kyuhyun, and Donghae. Hyuk showed his abs
sungmin and wook bowed together during destiny's song
leeteuk crying and bows. eunhyuk hold his tears. eunhae hugging. siwon and sungmin hugging too
yesung sit on eunhyuk shoulder while singing dancing out
eunhyuk touched sungmin's chest and yesung touched leeteuk's chest
eunhyuk, shindong and kyuhyun pretend to shot leeteuk
siwon naked while singing sorry sorry. GEEZZ!!!
leeteuk give a flower to ELF who stand beside me, why not me oppa ?? why ????? -___-'
kyuhyun promise there will be another super junior concert in indonesia..
when eunhyuk said "im hungry now !! but i dont want to eat anything.. because im hungry of ELF's love.. so could you please screaming out loud at me.. then i will feel so full" then ELF's screaming for a few second.. soooo historic..
when leeteuk said with indonesian language "apakah cukup bahagia?" and also another word is.. "apakah kalian lelah?" "aku mencintai kalian" okay.. but another things that make me sad is when he said "someday when im getting old and marry a girl, will you still loving me ?" suddenly i feel so random.. i wont imagine about that, i dont want to think bout the future. i just want to see the boys infront of my eyes now!.. look at this picture..
this is the picture when kyuhyun leave his piano and change the genre of his song.. hahahaha silly..
another great part is when they singing bonamana, they change a few of choreography.. and make it part really cool !! im speechless while watching that part, i cant even speak one word
many funny things that happen during the show.. when they singing without no choreography, they must be doing any silly things that make ELF's screaming, my favourite part is.. hmm many things.. kyuhyun waving while singing his part,
sungmin did heart sign with eunhyuk while kyuhyun did heart sign with siwon,
eunhyuk kneel down donghae touched him,
sungmin pretend slap siwon, then siwon hug him
they singing our love, they hugging each other when the song is end
when the members bow and waving to ELF's, Donghae gives thumbs up to ELFs
kyuhyun staring at ELF's eyes one by one while smiling.. he did it.. he looks soooo humble..
ryeowook pushed yesung and kicked yesung's butt hahaha -___-'
shindong fell then dance with siwon while siwon bite a flower. omoooooooo !!!!!!!
they playing with wet things, siwon change his shirt on the stage infront of more than 10.000 ELFs.. what the____ ???
Elf asked yesung to be water splashed then Hae hugs him. He pretend got headache. All will got water splashed
Siwon choose Hyukjae, Kyuhyun, and Donghae. Hyuk showed his abs
sungmin and wook bowed together during destiny's song
leeteuk crying and bows. eunhyuk hold his tears. eunhae hugging. siwon and sungmin hugging too
yesung sit on eunhyuk shoulder while singing dancing out
eunhyuk touched sungmin's chest and yesung touched leeteuk's chest
eunhyuk, shindong and kyuhyun pretend to shot leeteuk
siwon naked while singing sorry sorry. GEEZZ!!!
leeteuk give a flower to ELF who stand beside me, why not me oppa ?? why ????? -___-'
kyuhyun promise there will be another super junior concert in indonesia..
when eunhyuk said "im hungry now !! but i dont want to eat anything.. because im hungry of ELF's love.. so could you please screaming out loud at me.. then i will feel so full" then ELF's screaming for a few second.. soooo historic..
when leeteuk said with indonesian language "apakah cukup bahagia?" and also another word is.. "apakah kalian lelah?" "aku mencintai kalian" okay.. but another things that make me sad is when he said "someday when im getting old and marry a girl, will you still loving me ?" suddenly i feel so random.. i wont imagine about that, i dont want to think bout the future. i just want to see the boys infront of my eyes now!.. look at this picture..
they never stop act silly infront of ELF's.. look what they wearing.. a boy who wear a chucky costum is Yesung !! he walkin' around the stage with bloody knife in his hand.. the boy with black shirt and blue jeans is Kyuhyun, he walking around the stage with a many apple inside the basket in his hand while eating apple and singing.. actually he try to make his style look like Steve Jobs but honestly.. he failed -____-" bhahahaha... and most funny things is.. kyuhyun doing sexy dance with that costume.. ahhh.. hahahaha, he doesnt look sexy at all.. hahahhaa
and a silly one is .. look at the boy with white dress and guitar is in hand.. he look soo beautiful and so shy.. walking around while playing guitar.. showing his cutie smile.. and sometimes he wink his eyes to ELFs.. hahaha guess who ?? okay.. this picture maybe will help you to guess who is he..
and a silly one is .. look at the boy with white dress and guitar is in hand.. he look soo beautiful and so shy.. walking around while playing guitar.. showing his cutie smile.. and sometimes he wink his eyes to ELFs.. hahaha guess who ?? okay.. this picture maybe will help you to guess who is he..
already know huh ?? hahahaha its Eunhyuk !! he is sooo oh my God !!! he can smartly acting like a girl.. his gesture, his smile, everything is perfect !! perfect to act like a girl i mean -___-" hhahahaha.. and the last i wanna show you is.. and.. my favorite member SIWON.. he wearing superman costume.. gaaaahhhhh, he is hot !!! SUPER HOT !!
i cant control my self.. my body is automatically doing a lil' jump when he's closer to me.. and my mouth cant stop screaming his name very very out loud.. my lil heart said "aaahh so this is my idol..?? are you really Choi Siwon ?? siwon.. the boy who always there in my dream and in my display picture on bbm.. finally i can see you in directly.. at least, i realized that im not dreaming now.. siwon is exist in reality.. and siwon is not a part of my imagination.. your face look really perfect.. and your smile is slowly killing me.. aaakk im gonna die.. im happy to see you.. this things is makes me love you EVEN MORE.. thank you for being my idol !!!"
i cant control my self.. my body is automatically doing a lil' jump when he's closer to me.. and my mouth cant stop screaming his name very very out loud.. my lil heart said "aaahh so this is my idol..?? are you really Choi Siwon ?? siwon.. the boy who always there in my dream and in my display picture on bbm.. finally i can see you in directly.. at least, i realized that im not dreaming now.. siwon is exist in reality.. and siwon is not a part of my imagination.. your face look really perfect.. and your smile is slowly killing me.. aaakk im gonna die.. im happy to see you.. this things is makes me love you EVEN MORE.. thank you for being my idol !!!"
Thursday, 26 April 2012
what a really really good news from my daddy :'D
Im flattered :___)))
my daddy is too kind
guess what ??
but why did he tell me just now ?? aahh i dont care about that anymore.. ^^~
im sorry if i act too much like this
i just dont know what to do
all i want to say is..
"siwon, leeteuk, shindong, eunhyuk, donghae, ryowook, kyuhyun, sungmin, and yesung.. SEE YOU SOON!!!"
That day will come...
a couple hours ago, super junior has arrived at Soetta, International Airport..
there's 600 bodyguard, 300 police, and 2700 ELF was waiting for them at the airport.
but now, they must be havin a lil' rest at their hotel
saving an energy for tomorrow
rehearsal at noon and a concert day 1
when i hear about that , what i feel inside is..
whoooww, im so excited and also sad at the same time
im happy they're come to my country..
standing under the same sky with me
but sadly, i cant come to their concert
i already waste my money for my lil' trip last week
i regret about that
they coming.. yes they're coming..!!
my heart is screaming very very outloud
when is there an opportunity for me to see them in directly ?
when is the time that i didn't see them in television anymore ?
i really want to see them
i really want to meet my SUPER JUNIOR !!!!
well.. sujuu.., do your best for my lovely country
because there is 5.103.432 ELF's in Indonesia is waiting for your best performance
thats gonna be ELF's sea inside their concert place.. how beautiful..
siwon's tweet a day before he go to indonesia :)
another tweet form siwon a few minute after he arrived at jakarta :)
Tuesday, 24 April 2012

"Don't be afraid if you are christians, it is best blessing and fortune, we are all blessed :)"
~ Choi Siwon
"Rest in God !! No shame , No Fear !! :D"
~ Choi Siwon

"God hates sin, but God loves the sinner. Everyone has a mistakes, No worries! He loves us always!"
~ Choi Siwon
Monday, 23 April 2012
basically, im happy to talk to stranger and make a friend with them who live outside my country. i like to know their cultural, the way they speak to others, their daily activity, and many things. dont know why i always think that they really understand me even more than my real best friend that i met almost everyday.. until now, i have a 2 best friend from another country. we are so close even though we never met before. we keep in contact by mail or chatting. and there is no one of them who has the same age with me. one of them is younger than me, and another one is older.
and until now, we're still keep in touch.. yesterday, she draw me, a simply nice picture.. and im sooooo glad..
she tag me this picture and leave a comment like this "i wrote it by pencil and...... honestly i have no eraser T_____T thats why i edited the picture to cover up some mistakes :))) sorry if its not nice, Dian"
this is the puzzle..
Park Yu Gie from south korea.. i always call him with "Yu Gie oppa".. he is a male.. 3 years older than me.. same with jenny, our friendship is starting from twitter.. we start being friend from 3 years ago.. when he finish graduate and searching for college.. now he already graduate from his college, and have a job.. he always sending me a picture.. he know that i really love his country, South Korea.. i love the country, i love the culture, i love the weather of his country, i love almost all boy band from korea, i love the food and many other things that i love about korea..
its a tweet from 2 years ago.. he always tell me about the weather in korea .. hiii >-<
that day, he tell me about his new campus.. he send me this picture and said "there is startbucks locate inside the academy, but i have no time visit starbucks T_____T very busy"
this picture he send me after he finish the class, he said "todays class is cost and management accounting.. now im on my way home, so tired T___T"
"im at accounting academy.. i have three books, like this..hehe T^T when study first class i think that must study hard for success"
he look like very stress since entering the academy.. but i know he can do it, yess he is so smart and a hardworker type of person.. he cant give up easily.. sometimes he can be my motivation when im lazy to study.. a years ago he ever mad at me just because im tweeting while studying, he told me that we should take a serious time when in the class and concentrate while listen the lecturer.. whoooww.. so awkward.. hahaha.. anyway, this morning he already send me a picture..and im so happy.. ^o^
this morning he send me 2 pictures and this is the first pic, he is on his way to office and this is one of train station in Seoul.. yes, he go to office by train :) hwaiting oppaa !!
"here is my desk in office.. ^^ Chaos in Desk -o-;;;;"
Friday, 20 April 2012
i just read about an article about six sense. actually there is no a special thing that make me want to read about six sence's article. it just come in my mind randomly. i just want to know, is there a six sense.. and finally i found a lot of fact about six sense from a few article that i read. how interesting..
and this is the answer..
Everyone has it.
Everyone is aware of their five basic senses, seeing, feeling, smelling, hearing and tasting. What everyone is not so well aware of is their sixth sense, that sense of otherworldliness, a connection to something more and greater than their physical senses are able to perceive.This is the entrance to the world of the unseen encounter, the unheard communication, the unfelt touch of someone from the spiritual world trying to make a connection with someone in the physical body.
Nothing to fear.
The sixth sense is a part of everyone whether or not they like it. It is a normal part of the human psyche and not abnormal or reserved for special or gifted persons.
It is scientific.
Every human being is equipped from birth with what they need to communicate with the spirit world from where they came, and to where they will eventually go when they give up their physical body.
Mental tuning.
Although, tuning by mental focus is inconsistent and capricious, while electronic tuning is reliable, consistent and tangible, it is no less scientific. The difference being that psychic and medium communication is in its infancy as far as future development goes.
You’ve already had contact.
One doesn’t have to be a practiced medium or an ordained saint to make contact with the souls from the spirit world. At one time or another, everyone that is alive today has seen them, heard from them, been touched by them, smelled them, either while in the waking state or through a dream.
when i read about that article, what i get is..
a six things about six sense:
1. Telepathy, you can read others mind..
2. Clairvoyanch, you can see something happen in another place..
3. Precognition, you know easily about what will happen in the future..
4. Retrocognition, you can easily know about everything happen in the past..
5. Mediumship, you can use a spirit as a mediumship..
6. Physicometri, you can easily understand what really happen, only from one thing..
actually, everyone has a six sense but not everyone realized it.. for everyone who doesnt realized the six sense that they have is.. a person who still can control they ego, they also still cant leave about the world reality.. and the only way to open your mind into a six sense is.. leave all your world behind you, focus, get closer and keep your mind into God .. thats it!
i scream for HUDGENS !!!
dont you know that there is a girl outside there who really inspired me ??? :)
maybe some of you guys already know about her
she is soooo beautiful...
she is a half california and a half china and thailand
cant you imagine how beautiful she is with a half blood of america and asia
and yes, she is very adorable...
really wanna now who is she ?? lets check out of her picture !! ^^,
yeaaahh.. she is what i mean..
she was born in California 14 December 1988.. i become a big fan of her since i watch High School Musical at 2005.. i dont know her at all before i watch it.. i fall in love at the first sight with her when the first time i saw her in HSM 1.. and then i googling every information and news about her.. i just knowing a lot of her career.. before she performed her breakthrough as Gabriella Montez in High School
Musical, Hudgens has already appeared in television shows such as
Quintuplets Still Standing The Brothers Garcia Drake & Josh and The
Suite Life of Zack & Cody in her High School Musical has now
propelled nominations and awards with the success of the film the BBC
noted that Hudgens will be att become a "household name" in the U.S.
Hudgens ever said when she was in interview from one of a big station TV in America, she said "pretty is nice, but still.its just pretty" thats my favorite word from Hudgens ^^>
dont know why, she just look so smart and alo pretty when she said that.. i really get what she mean.. i know, a pretty girl should not only have a good look and beautiful face to be pretty, they also should have a good brain and logically beautiful.
and also she ever said "It's just silly because I'm a very present person, and that's so in the past" thats all she said when some ask her to speak up about the nude picture rumor.. she is not angry, she can easily control her emotional.. she look good.. very calm..
she was in a relationship with zac efron for more than 5 years and i feel really really sad when they broke up.. ever think in my mind, how come ?? is that happen in all 5 years only a drama ?? there is no love between Hudgens and Efron ?? why ?? how could this happen ?? they always look like a happy couple :( i regret this.. really.. look at their picture.. they look like The Most Happy Couple Ever
agree with me ?? yes, you should.. :P
what a perfect couple.. i can see their chemistry.. "Long-distance relationships are hard no matter what... We grew up
together. It was nice to have someone to share all those experiences
with... The relationship kept me grounded and because I was with someone
who knew me so well, I didn’t need to try to be someone that I’m not.”
thats all she said when someone ask about long distance relationship between zac and vanessa during Sucker Punch shooting process.. sweet rite ? :"(
can you imagine how sad am i when there's a rumor that zanessa is broke up.. firstly i thought its just a rumor because isnt a first time media make news about that.. so i stay calm.. but when i know that everything is not a hoax, but its real.. woooowwww.. many things inside my head.. and of course i really sad.. vanessa hudgens dont want to speak up about her relationship with zac efron to media for 3 weeks.. and after that finally she speak up in Ellen show and said that "yes, im single" yeaaahhh a bit shock because i never saw Vanessa said like that before.. and she also said "We're good. After being in a relationship with someone that long, we stay friends," but when i saw she said that, my mini heart said that "no, she's not good. she's liar. its just a part of her act" and the most shocked news after a rumor about her broke up relationship
is, less than a year, she already has a new boyfriend. He is Austin
butler.. i dont really like him because his face is weird and the way he style is also weird.. after they being in a realitionship, many kissing photo is release by paparazi.. thats a minus point for me.. well, im tired to talk about vanessa's love story.. i dont want to mocking her new boyfriend anymore. i just feels like, everyone has they own opinion rite ? so am i..
lets talk about Hudgens style.. i really really love her style.. thats one of reason why i love her.. her style is so unique.. she never follow a trend style at the time.. she has her own style.. sometimes she can be casual, edgy, glamor, vintage, gilrly, sexy, old school, and other style.. depend on her mood. i guess.. for last picture in this post, i will share about a few photo of Hudgens Daily Style.. and its all candid..
but.. when talking about beauty, make-up, vanity and all that jazz, Vanessa said:
"I can have an ugly WEEK. I go through days upon days where I just will
not want to put on make-up or do my hair, and just be in sweats."
Suckerpunch and Beastly beauty Vanessa Hudgens
has confessed that, despite the fact that she's obviously an absolute
stunner, she gets days and weeks when she feels ugly too.
So it's not
just us!!
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
new flyer is done \(^0^)/
finally finally finally....!!!
after 3 times i failed at doing my flyer just because my brain is stuck for about 2 days and beside that i should finish the flyer because the event will held in next a week.. whooooo i feel sooooo much better now.. well, thats a hard time for me, when i really dont have any idea then i should finish the flyer.. feels like i wanna cry.. but now i can pass it and the flyer is ready to promote.. woohoooooo.. do you wanna see my flyer ?? easy !! look at the picture after this ^^
what do you think, huh?? not really bad i guess,, nyeheheee :P
well, actually this flyer is about fashion. and in the event, they ask the invitation to swag their own style. they want us to be fashionable. soooo, i should think and think again how to make a flyer about fashion.. firstly i think its easy, but im wrong. its difficult. really really difficult. they disagree with my another flyer before. and after three times i failed, finally they like my last flyer.. i never stuck in this position before..
well, now its time for me to take a rest.. my brain need to stop thinking and i already buy 2 new korean series dvd, one is Skip Beat, the cast is Choi Siwon and Lee Donghae from Super Junior.. yeeeaaaaayy my favorite one ***\\\(^0^)/* hahaha.. and another one is.. is.. aaaahhh i stupidly forget what's the title of that movie, but i remember the cast, He is Choi Minho.. he also one of handsome korean guy.. hahaha. cant wait to watch it.. i hope i will have a nice rest.. bye^^
PR 11 - 7C
heiii.. helloooo.. halohaaaa..
yeaapp as always. i have nothing to do then i open the album photo from my facebook.. wooow i found about a thousand of old picture.. i just realized that many sweet memories i spend with my besties especially my girls on the class.. hahaha, let me tell you that there's no boy in my class.. they are aaaaaall girl.. can you imagine how crowded my class --" hahahaha but they are funny and cutie.. the class time never be boring with them.. can you imagine what are they doing on class ?? they rolling their hair, another one is coloring her nail, another one is havin a chit chat with her boyfriend, another one is watching video on her laptop, another one is havin a gossip with her chair mate and another weird things.. thats all they do during the class.. when there is a boy from another class doing en roll on my class, they turning bitchy and hahahaha they act cute in front of that boy.. they are so funny.. i really miss my class.. hey, dont be sad.. i will share a few photo of my class x))
yeaapp as always. i have nothing to do then i open the album photo from my facebook.. wooow i found about a thousand of old picture.. i just realized that many sweet memories i spend with my besties especially my girls on the class.. hahaha, let me tell you that there's no boy in my class.. they are aaaaaall girl.. can you imagine how crowded my class --" hahahaha but they are funny and cutie.. the class time never be boring with them.. can you imagine what are they doing on class ?? they rolling their hair, another one is coloring her nail, another one is havin a chit chat with her boyfriend, another one is watching video on her laptop, another one is havin a gossip with her chair mate and another weird things.. thats all they do during the class.. when there is a boy from another class doing en roll on my class, they turning bitchy and hahahaha they act cute in front of that boy.. they are so funny.. i really miss my class.. hey, dont be sad.. i will share a few photo of my class x))

the class is done.. yeaaay~ its time to go home.. the lecturer already leave the class, and then we take a picture.. what a messy class and many crazy people inside it.. hihii
that day is my proposal defense.. i arrived at campus an hour erlier.. look what am i wearing.. haha i look older with that shirt.. my heart was beating really really fast.. and yes, im so nervous.. my hands really cold and feels like suddenly freezing.. but i still smile ;)
we are on the back stage RCTI's studio.. yeapp, we join a quiz, but only five of us.. not all of us.. even though we are lost, we're still happy.. look at our smile, happy rite ?? girl with grey shirt is nela, another three is dian, mala, and saskia ^^
we are stand right infront of class.. and our presentation is done.. my mini heard said "aaahh finally.!" hahaha yepp, the presentation is never fail to make us feel very very nervous.. and there is no one of us who love presentation. haha
this is "intercultural communication" class.. and we are doing final project. the lecturer want us to chose one country and we should presentation about the cultural of country that we chose. thats why we dressed like unusual.. and of course my team chose South Korea. haha thats our favorite country ^^
even in a boring time we still can smile :'D hahaha we're stuck inside my car because a lil traffic already disturbing our way to go to the beach. we are ready to face the sun. look, we wearing our own glasses.. hahahaha
yeaaay we are arrived.. finally.. after 2 hours stuck on traffic jam.. now we can enjoy the sun, the beach , and the beautiful sky :DD
yes.. we are sushi lovers. yumm yumm.. we celebrate me and dian birthday.. weirdly i have a friend who has a same name and we also have a same date of birth.. dian is the girl who wearing a black and white stripped shirt on the picture.. and we happily eating sushi at one of japanesse resto in kuningan..and they gave and dian surprise and birthday gift.. that was one of a great moment in my life.. im happy to have friends like them.. thank you mayang, saski, icha, mala, tuti, melissa, nella, and also my twinnie dian.. love you muchhh
well, thats a lil story about my class.. PR 11-7c..
i will never forget about everything happen in my class
and the memories is always stay in my heart
i love you my class
hihihi x)
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