Wednesday, 18 April 2012

PR 11 - 7C

heiii.. helloooo.. halohaaaa..
yeaapp as always. i have nothing to do then i open the album photo from my facebook.. wooow i found about a thousand of old picture.. i just realized that many sweet memories i spend with my besties especially my girls on the class.. hahaha, let me tell you that there's no boy in my class.. they are aaaaaall girl.. can you imagine how crowded my class --" hahahaha but they are funny and cutie.. the class time never be boring with them.. can you imagine what are they doing on class ?? they rolling their hair, another one is coloring her nail, another one is havin a chit chat with her boyfriend, another one is watching video on her laptop, another one is havin a gossip with her chair mate and another weird things.. thats all they do during the class.. when there is a boy from another class doing en roll on my class, they turning bitchy and hahahaha they act cute in front of that boy.. they are so funny.. i really miss my class.. hey, dont be sad.. i will share a few photo of my class x))

break time, we watch some video together.. hahaha i cant tell you what video because its not a good video actually.. but no, thats not a porn video okay, dont you ever think about that yaa.. nyahahaha..

the class is done.. yeaaay~ its time to go home.. the lecturer already leave the class, and then we take a picture.. what a messy class and many crazy people inside it.. hihii

that day is my proposal defense.. i arrived at campus an hour erlier.. look what am i wearing.. haha i look older with that shirt.. my heart was beating really really fast.. and yes, im so nervous.. my hands really cold and feels like suddenly freezing.. but i still smile ;)

we are on the back stage RCTI's studio.. yeapp, we join a quiz, but only five of us.. not all of us.. even though we are lost, we're still happy.. look at our smile, happy rite ?? girl with grey shirt is nela, another three is dian, mala, and saskia ^^
we are stand right infront of class.. and our presentation is done.. my mini heard said "aaahh finally.!" hahaha yepp, the presentation is never fail to make us feel very very nervous.. and there is no one of us who love presentation. haha
this is "intercultural communication" class.. and we are doing final project. the lecturer want us to chose one country and we should presentation about the cultural of country that we chose. thats why we dressed like unusual..  and of course my team chose South Korea. haha thats our favorite country ^^

even in a boring time we still can smile :'D hahaha we're stuck inside my car because a lil traffic already disturbing our way to go to the beach. we are ready to face the sun. look, we wearing our own glasses.. hahahaha

yeaaay we are arrived.. finally.. after 2 hours stuck on traffic jam.. now we can enjoy the sun, the beach , and the beautiful sky :DD

 yes.. we are sushi lovers. yumm yumm.. we celebrate me and dian birthday.. weirdly i have a friend who has a same name and we also have a same date of birth.. dian is the girl who wearing a black and white stripped shirt on the picture.. and we happily eating sushi at one of japanesse resto in kuningan..and they gave and dian surprise and birthday gift.. that was one of a great moment in my life.. im happy to have friends like them.. thank you mayang, saski, icha, mala, tuti, melissa, nella, and also my twinnie dian.. love you muchhh

well, thats a lil story about my class..  PR 11-7c..
i will never forget about everything happen in my class
and   the memories is always stay in my heart
i love you my class
hihihi x)

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