Thursday, 26 April 2012


That day will come...
a couple hours ago, super junior has arrived at Soetta, International Airport..
there's 600 bodyguard, 300 police, and 2700 ELF was waiting for them at the airport.
but now, they must be havin a lil' rest at their hotel
saving an energy for tomorrow
rehearsal at noon and a concert day 1 
when i hear about that , what i feel inside is..
whoooww, im so excited and also sad at the same time
im happy they're come to my country.. 
standing under the same sky with me
but sadly, i cant come to their concert
i already waste my money for my lil' trip last week
i regret about that
they coming.. yes they're coming..!!
my heart is screaming very very outloud
when is there an opportunity for me to see them in directly ?
when is the time that i didn't see them in television anymore ?
i really want to see them
i really want to meet my SUPER JUNIOR !!!!
well.. sujuu.., do your best for my lovely country 
because there is 5.103.432 ELF's in Indonesia is waiting for your best performance
thats gonna be ELF's sea inside their concert place.. how beautiful..

 siwon's tweet a day before he go to indonesia :)

 another tweet form siwon a few minute after he arrived at jakarta :)

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