when first time i hear about Tao injured issue in last 2 weeks,
something slightly crossed my mind.. "no, isnt about leaving issued right? no, no way"
hardly try to think positive.
they said Tao has a lil injured while practicing and will be back on stage to promote EXO new album.
and now???
you know, i start to fall for EXO again through their new album "call me baby"
its been over 6months since last time i update their news.
and when this issues come
my heart feels like,
i cant explain but it hurt, so bad :(
i deem EXO as a player.
yes, a player for their fans. especially fans heart.
when first time i decided for being exo's fan, i watch their video over and over again.
and i deeply in love with them.
3 months later, Kris leave.
i dont feel like really sad like others fans
because im not Kris fans personally,
im a big fan of him as EXO, not as personal.
but still, i dont waht him to leave EXO.
it feels like, something's missing.
when im watching their live performance, its like i see one empty spot,
and then i feel sad.
i lost my mood to see their MV and performance.
and forget about EXO. a while.
4 months pass, i miss Chen.
one thing i can do when i miss Chen is watching EXO's performance.
i spend more than hours watching EXO in a day.
and then i start to fall for them for a second time.
until another leaving issue release.
its Luhan.
well well well...
not sad at all, but dissapointed.
why they're so childish, once they get dissapointed with SM, they decided to leave group without think about everything they did in the past, hardwork, tears, sweat, big effort to be a big stars like now.
loved by many peoples around the world.
and also, did they ever think about their image, members, fans, and group or personal careers?
everything that SM did, the good the bad, the reason is to keep their good name.
and SM is human too, he can do something wrong too.
Stupid moron!
then i lost my mood to EXO, again.
6 months pass, EXO release their new album "call me baby"
as you can read what i feel in my latest post about their new album,
it clearly explain that i fall for them AGAIN. well, its for 3rd time if you can count.
i dont missed every their live performance, even watch more than one time for one performance.
and now Tao leaving rumor reported by every media.
its still rumor because SM not giving us confirmation yet.
but it drop my mood already.
im tired of being excited, then lost excited, then excited again, then lost again,
aaaahhh EXO,
why should be like this????

and oh members, i hope you can read this kind of quote;
"a WISE man never put childish things" - Sidney Dark
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