Friday, 30 March 2012

dream bed room ^^

hahahaha again, i've found something unusual things from the internet
and it makes my imagination's getting higher and higher
i just found some unique bed room and i wish i could make it real
i wish i can sleep inside that room
dont know the reason why, i just really love all about tree things
but i hate a green colour.. weird huh ? :P
sit down behind the tree while hearin music
wooww it feels like heaven i guess

so, look up this bed! there's a tree in every corner
looks like i sleep under the tree rite ??
feel so peace.. 
but theres no TV inside that. then i'll put my TV and dvd player so i can watch all my favorite movie and play my favorite songs..
whuuoooww my world must be so perfect !!
eitss.. i have another one hahaha
then how about the right one ??
a bed room with the sauna pool 
i really love sauna.. aah actually i love all the water things too.. water is good..
so relaxing, especially a warm water..


this is the condition in the middle of the party. we all put our hands up because actually there's a show infront of us. there's a live P.A from Omar Garcia, he screaming "put your hands up!!!" so we do that. you know what !! Omar is so handsome !! thats the reason why im standing right infront of him. hahaha i want to see him closer :P he has a big eyes, perfect nose and sexy lip. and he's so humble. then he smile at me and suddenly im dying !! aaarrrgghh Omaaaaarrr !!!
too many people inside that place. actually im only excited to omar's performance. after that i go back to have a sit. i go there with my friends. many people i that know but im lazy to say "hi" and chillin' with all of them. only a few friends, like cece, lucky, gemmy, onal, tian, and some others. hahaha sorry guys :P anyway, i arrived at that place at 9p.m and the party has start in 10p.m until hmmm.. about 3a.m. i guess. i forgot. hahaha. thats too late but i still have a permission from my parents. yippie !! i know this is a pirates party but i guess im wearing a wrong costume. am i ?? ahhahaha i dont care :P i feel like im nanny's who work in cowboy's era. hahaha i dont know. maybe its just my feeling. but look at others costume, they're wearing a blazer and only me, once again, only meeeeeee, who wearing a sabrina dress. hahahaha. well, at least im look good , rite ?? not really bad, im lucky i still wearing a red head band and its make me look like a pirates. ahaha. who cares. they dont even notice me i guess..
i didnt get drunk at the party.. i dont drink a lot. because i dont want to get drunk. i just enjoy the music and try to enjoy the crowded. woow the people inside that place is about 200-300 peoples. so hot, im sweating a bit. they're look so happy. there is a big and beautiful smile i saw in every face. they sing together. laugh together. dance together. aaah i saw a lot of happiness inside that place. but its too bad because i dont feel the same. hahaha. you must be so boring to hear my story right. i never feel good lately. bad. always bad.
but looookkk !! im good at faking smile right ?? look at my face, look at my smile, cute right ? hahaha. sorry for being so narcissist. .. aaah again, im out of topic. lets continue our talk about the party. lets look at the left picture. this is me and gemmy. he's my church friend actually. haha. we never met sice a long time. he's so busy with his dance cover. but finally i saw him at that party. i miss him abit. he's one of my best friend. we always chat almost everyday, but we stop since last january. huhuu he's busy..
the party was soo good. there's 4 DJ who play a lot of RnB song. but we call them "captain" not "DJ" becuase its pirates. hahaha. well 4 captains who play a great remix songs are Captain Bagols for opening, Captain Sleezy, Captain Dee-Na, and the last is Captain Is-Q for closing. they're awesome. even though its amid nite already, you'll never feel sleepy while hearin their remix songs. really good, i guarantee. but still stay at home is better i guess. hahaha weirdo meeee... hearin music while sleepin' around under my blanket is waaaaaayy better.

i found a lot of cute baby animal pictures
and of course i'll post all of the photos's here :P
so, enjoy !!!

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

What makes this world go round?
Will the answer let her down?
She is so sweet and young and her life has just begun.
What does her future hold?
That's the story left unknown.
Will she make it through her days?
Sitting there all alone in the window of her room.
Watching the world go by brings tears to her eyes.
All she sees is hurt and pain and she wants to break the chains.
She'll keep pressing everyday and she'll find her own sweet way.
Part of me laughs.
Part of me cries.
Part of me wants to question why.
Why is there joy?
Why is there pain?
Why is there sunshine then the rain?
One day you're here.
Next you are gone.
No matter what we must go on.
Just keep the faith.
And let love lead the way.
Everything will work out fine.
If you let love, love lead the way.

sg - let love lead the way

i really love this picture...

yepp.. a tree house..
i really want to live there..
such a silence and peace place to live.. the place where no one cant find me.. and i will text all of them like this "FIND ME IF YOU CAN" muahahaha~ aah and of course, i will singing my favorite song with out loud voice.. no need to worry, because no one can hear me.. someone please buy me this place T_____T
oh yaa, i just found another one !! :D

how about this one ??
theres 3 floor in this tree house
but looks like this is a small one
but i will make a "muvie" room in the first floor
muvie means : MUsic and moVIE
hahaha, not bad, huh ?
where i can watch, dance and sing inside that place
i will put a lot of my korean series dvd, my music cd, and theres a lil' bed to me for sleepin' arround when i want to have a relax time..
second floor! its gonna be a random room. because i will put of all my things inside that. theres a.. hmm my dress, my shirt, my make up, my shoes, my laptop, my computer, and many more. ah there's a bath room too in second floor.
and third floor !!
thats gonna be my room of course :))
the highest place will make me comfort to sleep
theres no lamp inside it, only a bed, and my blanket.. yepp my favorite blanket..aah and also, my big teddy bear !! hahaha almost forget ;P

i think its enough..
too much imagination.. 
but i wish i can make it real..

Monday, 26 March 2012

another fellas


Super junior !!!
All I wanna do screaming out loud everytime I hear that name..
They're awesome, gorgeous, adorable, humble, multitalented, handsome.
Hahaha gue jatuh cinta sama mereka sejak mereka ngeluarin album kedua. Awal taun 2007.
Ini skrg lagi nonton dvd ss3nya.
Wotth wottt wotttt. In first hour, I already see donghae, eunhyuk, sungmin and siwon's abs.. Geezz !!! They have a beautiful body.
Hmm I just wondering, why they like to showing their abs ? No, not only super junior members, I mean every man who has a beautiful body, they have so much confidence to showing their body. Yepp, like walking around with no shirt infront of public. Hahaha. But super junior is the only exception. I will support every lil'thing what they do. Muahahahaha~
Kalo udah dipanggung mereka itu gilaa. Sekali lagi, GILA!!!
apalagi kalo lagu yang mereka nyanyiin itu ngga ada koreografinya. Makin menjadi jadi kelakuan liarnya. Ada yang dorong2an, pukul2an, peluk2an, jambak2an, lari2an. Astagaaa. Bisa ngebayangin ngga sih mereka ngelakuin itu tanpa sadar kalo seluruh dunia ngeliat kelakuan konyol mereka.
Waktu itu donghae kebagian pas nyanyi, mau ngga mau dia harus nyanyi dong, tapi pantatnya dipukul2in sama member lainnya, badannya dikelitik2in, rambutnya ditarik2in. Tapi dia ngga bisa bikin apa2 karena itu pas lg part dia nyanyi. Tapi setelah selesai partnya, dia langsung lari ngejarin member satu2 buat bales dendam.
ini beberapa foto kegilaan mereka kalo lagi konser --"
funny, isnt it ?? hahaha
keranjang super market dapet darimana coba, bisa ada diatas panggung aja --" hahaha

siwon disirem sama donghae dan heechul, motivasinya apa ? --"

 donghae tiba2 mic-nya mati, dan semua member nyodorin mic mereka, sweet sih, tapi ngga gitu juga caranya, hahaha

Kelakuan mereka bener bener se-enaknya seakan2 ngga ada yang nontonin tingkah laku mereka --"
Selain itu, serunya nonton super show mereka itu, koreo asli sama yg dikonser beda, kadang di remix kadang ditambahin apa gt yg bikin tambah keren. Ngga pernah biasa, selalu luar biasa \(*o*)/
Oiya ada lagi, mereka selalu ada perform yang lucu, ntah pake kostum2 sayur2an atau binatang2 atau kostum2 super hero. Hahaha. Jadi penampilannya ngga selalu keren, lucu ada, macho ada, sedih juga ada, apalagi pas nyanyi bareng2 sama ELF satu stadion. Terharu deh, Leeteuk sering ngomong "kami bukan apa apa, tanpa kalian semua, saranghae" aaaaahhh hiks :') mereka rendah hati selalu, ngga pernah sombong. Oiya satu lagi, mereka suka berkelakuan feminim. Noooo ! Let me tell you one more time yah, they're not gay ! Itu cuma becanda2an doang. Mereka suka niruin girl group SNSD. Dan itu lucu banget, maksaaa, ngga cocokkk. Badan mereka keker2 gituu. Hahaha.
Kadang terlintas sih dipikiran gue. Itu semua kan kelakuan mereka diatas panggung. Kita ngga pernah tau apa yang sebenernya terjadi sama masing masing mereka. Apa mereka bener bener bahagia ? Mungkin aja super junior itu sebenernya bukan keinginan mereka. Apa mereka ngga jenuh sama rutinitas yang kaya gitu ? Let say mereka emang punya segalanya, popularitas, kekayaan, segudang cinta dan perhatian dari fans mereka. Tapi kita ngga pernah tau apa yg ada didalam hatinya. Bisa aja mereka sebenernya kesepian, jauh dari orang tua mereka, harus tinggal di dorm bareng manager dan member lainnya. Selama terkontak di super junior, mereka juga ngga boleh punya pacar. Kelakuan sih boleh kaya anak kecil, tapi umur mereka udah sepantasnya menikahh --" Bahkan hal sepele, tidur. Tidur aja mereka mesti curi2 waktu, sehari mereka cuma tidur paling lama 4jam. Selebihnya mereka syuting iklan, video clip, ngegym dan sebagainya. Sampe sampe gue denger setiap hari mereka mesti minum dan suntik vitamin buat jaga daya tahan tubuh mereka.
Bener bener kasihann :(

 ini bukti kalo mereka humble, selalu bow down di akhir konser sambil bilang "kamsahamnida" 
how sweet they are :')


I'm at java been coffee with obuu tasya and lenty
We're havin a really good time. Actually we're on the process to make some project, hmm birthday project I mean.. For our lovely manager when we work at sea-games.. Hehehe..
We make a video, always failed because we can't control our laugh and for a thousand time, its failed --"
But we never give up, we still trying again and again. And finally, its DONE *\(^•^)/*
Obuu obuu obuuuuu
I feel way better now :D
I'm happy !! Really..
Huhhh I'm lazy to go home. My daddy isn't at home. He go to some place for his business. I don't know where, I forget, I guess.
My mommy busy with her own business
Dimas must be havin a date with his girlfriend
And Dinda must be being freak infront of her laptop
I only have emmow and gossy to talk. But they're a dog. Hoaaah how can I talking to dog ?? --"
Hmm. Better stay here a bit longer :D
Obuuuuu. I'm happy now. You always know how to make me feel better. Thanks for sending me a lot of voice not. I always smile after hearin' your voice not. Thank youuuu
I love obuuu

Sunday, 25 March 2012

you cant control who respect you and who dont. but the one person that should always respect you is  
YOU !!!

sunday night.

finally home.
i feel so random.
happy. sad. dizzy. weird. sleepy. tired.
im happy because i just finish my sunday service for today. i dont know. i always feel that after serving God.
sad, because he stand beside me and it make me feels awkward. i dont know, he act weird. dont know whats the reason. i already try to act normal, but still.. he act weird..hoaaah, its okay. im fine.
im dizzy and sleepy of course because too many sleepless nite. i should take a long rest then i will feel more fresh and better. i guess. i dont really know. when im in outside my house, i always feel sleepy then i really wanna go home, i miss my bed. but when i arrived at home, sleepin around under my blanket, my eyes is suddenly fresh and wont close. i already try to hear music, but isnt working. im singing inside my heart.
silly :|
im tired of being like this. like what ? i dont even know. all that i know is just like this, like my life now. some feeling like lonely, bored, sad, cold, aaah so random..
maybe today is the last day i talk to you. i just want to keep this feeling until they disappear. will it disappear ? hahaha ask that sky.. i still love you now. but i dont know about tomorrow.. it will be still or not.. im not really sure..
i hope i can be your friend without love feeling in our friendship like this. without the awkwardness between us. yepp time will heal.. we will see..
well, i dont get anything for today. i dont even know what i want. weird. very weird. well, let it be. i dont wanna care about that anymore. i'll do what i want. i just wanna be my self, not nobody else. love it or hate it. i dont care. now i learn to live like this. even its still hurt everytime i see you. yeaahh, i try not to care. i wish i can.

Saturday, 24 March 2012


Tuhan Yesus aku takut. aku takut. aku takut.
Jaga perasaanku ya Tuhan.
Jangan sampe sakit lagi.


i lost my pirates coustummmm !!!!!!!!!!!!!
how come diannn ??? youre positively stupid !!!
bodohnyaa. ini udah h-6 dan tiba tiba bajunya hilangg.
gue lupa taro dimana tu baju pas kelar fitting beberapa hari laluuu
seinget gue sih dikamar, tapi ngga adaaa
gimanaa inii gimanaaaa
aaahh this simple thing is completely ruin my mood. sux !
what should i do now ??

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

cutie mamals ^^

beberapa hari lalu gue ke taman safari sama nyokap bokap dan dua adik gue.. gue seneeeeeng banget berada ditempat itu :DD binatang itu ciptaan Tuhan yang paling imut sedunia, khususnya mamalia. mereka semua lucu dan menggemaskan, kalaupun ada yang bilang mereka berbahaya, itu adalah anggepan yang salah, mereka bertingkah seperti itu sama sekali ngga salah, mereka ingin melindungi dirinya sendiri, mereka ngga tau kalo kita ngedeketin mereka itu karena mau sayang2in mereka, mereka taunya kita mau nyakitin mereka, karena ngga terbiasa diperlakukansperti itu. kalaupun juga mereka membunuh atau memangsa binatang lain itu karena mereka butuh itu, mereka kelaparan dan harus makan supaya bisa bertahan hidup. jadi menurut gue sifat seperti itu normal normal aja buat binatang.. they're so lovely if you act lovely infront of them.. they're cute actually..

ditaman safari kemaren sayangnya gue cuma dapet foto sama dua jenis binatang yaitu lama dan harimau putih. lama itu mukanya mirip banget sama kelinci, lucuuu banget, cuma badannya sedikit mirip kuda tapi berbulu lebat. sama sekali ngga galak walaupun memiliki ukuran tubuh yang besar. kebetulan gue foto sama lama yang warna putih, aaakk makin lucu aja, rasanya gue pengen bawa pulang dan pelihana dirumah.. hihihi..

 harimau lebih lucu lagi, setelah gue liat langsung dari deket, mukanya bener bener kaya kucing manja yang maunya disayang sayang. sama sekali ngga keliatan kalo buas. kucing berukuran amat besarrrr, bulunya halus, pengen banget pelihara harimau itu, diajak bobo barengggg. hihihi


Tuesday, 13 March 2012


well !!!! lets smile and forget about aaaaaaallllllll the bad things..
hey, dont you know that i still have a lot of friends who loves me :))
nyahaha x) let me introduce my friends x


this is jojo, hmm. actually this is an old picture, i dont have a new one. hahaha. we're choir in one of the most blessed church, Tiberias. anyway! she's very humble and always being my good listener when i have no one to share. she's always there for me. i cant imagine how hot her ears just because hearin' all about my story in a whole day if i was in trouble. hahaha. all i wanna say to her is : im sorry, i love you. muahahahaha :*

this is tian, but i always call him "cina" hahaha, he's china and he never angry when i call him like that. we're being friend since high school, and he's my chair mate. he's close with my family, he know me so well. hahaha. and im glad because until now we're still best friend.

 this is dharma :)) and.. no, he's not my boy friend !! hahaha. he's my best friend in college. he knows everything about me. he always remind me to finish my study in college, because im not finish yet. hahaha. he just like a brother for me. he act like a child even though he's older than me. soo cute x)

lucky - abang - roy - norman - me - luis - indah
they are my friends in church, im so blessed to have a friends like them. they are cool !! \m/

me - dharma - dio - ka loli - dita
they're my friends in college. even though we're from different class, we're still care and understand each other. they're never fail to make me laugh :DD

baba - oyo - rico - tasya - randy - kak diana - me - dharma
 my SEAgames' friends. we're still keep in touch until now. this photo is taken by dio (so he's not join this picture) at 2 am in oriental room at sultan hotel. wooow, we're soo sleepy and tired, because we just finish our job for that day, but look at our smile, still cute, rite ? :D hahah

andy - sleezy - tian - me - cece - lucky - puteri
well, lets say they are my new best friends. hahaha. we love party, but of course.. we're still in a good way :))


whuuooohhhhh~ i think its enough. hahaha. God is really really good to give a friends like them for me. i always give thanks to Jesus everytime i remember about His unfinished bless.
and yes, i have no reason not to laugh :D
