Wednesday, 28 March 2012

i really love this picture...

yepp.. a tree house..
i really want to live there..
such a silence and peace place to live.. the place where no one cant find me.. and i will text all of them like this "FIND ME IF YOU CAN" muahahaha~ aah and of course, i will singing my favorite song with out loud voice.. no need to worry, because no one can hear me.. someone please buy me this place T_____T
oh yaa, i just found another one !! :D

how about this one ??
theres 3 floor in this tree house
but looks like this is a small one
but i will make a "muvie" room in the first floor
muvie means : MUsic and moVIE
hahaha, not bad, huh ?
where i can watch, dance and sing inside that place
i will put a lot of my korean series dvd, my music cd, and theres a lil' bed to me for sleepin' arround when i want to have a relax time..
second floor! its gonna be a random room. because i will put of all my things inside that. theres a.. hmm my dress, my shirt, my make up, my shoes, my laptop, my computer, and many more. ah there's a bath room too in second floor.
and third floor !!
thats gonna be my room of course :))
the highest place will make me comfort to sleep
theres no lamp inside it, only a bed, and my blanket.. yepp my favorite blanket..aah and also, my big teddy bear !! hahaha almost forget ;P

i think its enough..
too much imagination.. 
but i wish i can make it real..

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